Be gentle. Those are my legs! Airline Travel As a Wheelchair Using Quadriplegic

Airline Travel As a Wheelchair Using Quadriplegic UPDATE FROM DIAMOND PASSENGER LIFT CO. Training was provided @MCO on several different dates in 2017 and 2018… Training was free and was offered to any airline or service provider who wished to attend.. The purpose of the free training was to make sure their were trained personnel …

Disabled Travel: Five Things You Should Know

Disabled Travel: Five Things You Should Know about Cruising As a Person with Disabilities First off, I would like to thank Flying Dutchman Travel for providing my accommodations for this vacation. Also The Central Florida Chapter Paralyzed Veterans of America who selected me to participate on this excursion. Disabled Travel: Five Things You Should Know. …

Being a quadriplegic living with paralysis kind of sucks

Being a quadriplegic living with paralysis kind of sucks I know what you’re thinking, “well of course it sucks.” And I would tend to agree with that statement because as a whole it does kind of suck. But oh there is a silver lining in that black cloud of quadriplegia. “What?” you say? “There is …