Strengthening lungs with incentive spirometer September 12, 2014 · Saint Petersburg Charlie has had a good night tonight. He only de-sat’d once with his O2 dropping into the 80’s. The nurses bagged him to give him some extra O2 & his O2 came right back up & has remained above 90 for the rest of …
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Scars A good friend of mine recently had a surgery and posted a picture of his scar. This prompted me to think about my own scars and whether or not they actually are attractive to the opposite sex? So I’m putting this out there hopefully to get an answer. This also got me to thinking …
Manually Assisted Quad Coughing [kwod] A form of assisted coughing for patients with central nervous system disorders such as spinal cord injury who are unable to generate sufficient force to clear respiratory secretions. After a maximal inspiration, the patient coughs while an assistant exerts gentle upward and inward pressure with both hands on the abdomen. The increased …
Top Two Assistive Technology Computer Mouses Quadriplegic Reviewed I use several types of adaptive computer mouse controllers depending on what type of computing I will be doing. I’ve learned over the past year that some controllers are better than others in certain circumstances. Here is my Top Two Assistive Technology Computer Mouses Quadriplegic Reviewed. Continuing with …